Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Snowing on Tuesday...

So I went to bed last night feeling really gross--stopped up, sinus headache, coughing, voice gone--the works. Right before I went to bed, I posted on my Facebook status that it would be really nice for school to get delayed due to the impending snow.

Five a.m., I get the automated phone call from the school saying we would be delayed 2 hours. Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayer. So I reset the alarm clock, and went back to bed feeling really bad (after taking more cold meds!) Woke up around 8 to my phone ringing again. It was my Dad telling me that my school system had just announced that school was cancelled for the full day!! Not only did my prayer get answered, I got more than I asked for.

Isn't it great how God does that for us? We stress out, complain, and lose faith over such silly trivial things. Sometimes, even though we are clueless dopes, we get this great idea to PRAY! What blows my mind is what we do and don't pray for. We pray for people that are sick with cancer, for that big promotion or career starting job, for safety when we travel; but why don't we pray for the little things? Things like a snow day, or the recall to make an A on a quiz, or a coupon for your fave shampoo... I know they seem trivial, but if we believe God will take care of the "big stuff," why don't we give Him the opportunity to handle the small stuff? I am not saying become legalistic and pray over every single little detail of life--there are always some things you should just do and just know as a Believer--but give God the credit He deserves!! If you need a snow day, ask for it. He knows what we need better than we do. Let go of the control, and allow God to give you what you truly need.

So, I got my much needed snow day of rest. I stayed in bed til about 9:30 watching Rachel Ray, then got up and cooked myself breakfast! I made scrambled eggs with pepper jack cheese, toast, and some tater tots (that was as close as we had to hashbrowns lol). Had some OJ with it, and spent the morning relaxing, talking to Amy on FB, and catching up on some shows I had DVR'd. I still have the cold/sinus infection, but that is under control. Overall, I feel better.

Being silly and trying to get in the spirit of "blogging," I took some pictures of my breakfast. :D


Almost there...

done, Done, and DONE!
So, "don't sweat the small stuff." Give it to God, and when those "silly" prayer requests are answered, give Him the glory and ENJOY!

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